Reduced price! PrestaShop RMA - Moduł do zarządzania reklamacjami Expand

RMA Complaint Management Module - PrestaShop

2 Review(s)



RMA Complaint Management Module - PrestaShop - a module for automated handling of complaints in your store.

In every store, complaint management should be easy for both customers and administration. When a customer submits a complaint in the traditional way via email, there is a risk of it ending up in spam, someone being on vacation, or other issues arising. The RMA module keeps all complaints in one place, and the customer can always check the status of their complaint in their account.

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149,99 zł

169,99 zł 

-20,00 zł

The module has been designed for PrestaShop stores to facilitate the process of customer complaints.

You can create custom complaint statuses, add email messages to them, and everything is visible in the Admin Panel.


  • Starting from 2022, in the case of product returns, you will need a protocol from the B2B client. The RMA module will take care of it for you.
  • You can add the option for product returns in customer requests.
  • Create any complaint statuses you want.
  • In the configuration, you can choose the most important complaint statuses: initiated, accepted, rejected.
  • Add your own requests to the complaints.
  • Send notifications about the complaint processing progress.
  • Notifications for administrators about new submissions.
  • Ability to attach files when submitting complaints.
  • Customers submit complaints using a controller visible in the My Account tab.
  • Complaints are automatically numbered.
  • Option to enable downloading the product return protocol in PDF.
  • Option to generate the product complaint protocol in PDF.
  • Option to select available customer requests.
  • Customers can choose their requests (product exchange, free repair, partial refund, full refund).
  • Customers provide their bank account number for refunds.
  • The module can also be used for simple communication - for each status, you can choose whether the customer can respond to the message.
  • Order status selection (you can choose your own order statuses - only those will be visible during complaint submission).
  • Number of days for complaint submission - specify how many days the customer has to submit a complaint.

Complaints can only be created from customer accounts and do not affect inventory status. The module is designed to standardize and automate the process of submitting and handling complaints.

By using this module, you'll save time. Complaint submissions are stored in the Back Office, so you don't have to search for email messages when a customer calls - just ask them for the complaint number.

Change log: 1.0.9 18-05-2023

  • Added support for order status.
  • Added number of days for complaint submission.
  • Adjusted for PrestaShop 8.x.

Change log: 1.0.8 08-12-2021

  • Generated return/complaint protocol.
  • Added product search functionality.
  • Improved translation.
  • Added quantity input to order.
  • Added ability to submit complaints for multiple order items.
  • Changed email subject for product return to "Product Return Protocol".
  • Added description to configuration.
  • Updated appearance for PrestaShop 1.6 and PrestaShop 1.7.
  • Changed calculation method for order value - based on data from order_details.

Change log: 1.0.7 26-11-2021

  • Database installation update.
  • Fixed attachment download issues in certain PrestaShop versions.
  • Updated appearance for backend.

Change log: 1.0.6 01-08-2021

  • Hot fix for email sending.

Change log: 1.0.5 15-07-2021

  • Ability to attach multiple files.
  • Ability to add attachments when sending additional messages to complaints.
  • Adding complaints from the admin panel.
  • Improved appearance.
  • Added custom complaint statuses.

Change log: 1.0.4

  • Additional features when submitting complaints.

Change log: 1.0.3

  • File download in the complaints tab - admin section.
  • Fixed issue with back button - admin section.
Compatibility with PrestaShop 1.6Yes
Compatible with PrestaShop version 1.7Yes
PrestaShop 8.xYes
Free updateSO
Module deliveryImmediately
File size8.97 mb
Version 1.1.1
Available languagesPL, FR, EN
Demo panel


Reklamacje w jednym miejscu - tak powinno być! Nic nie trzeba szukać sami nadajemy statusy - SUPER!


    Proste reklamacje w PrestaShop

    Moduł ułatwił nam skomplikowany proces reklamacji, wszystko mamy w jednym miejscu. Polecam, jeszcze za tą cenę - ha nie warto grzebać w papierkach.

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    RMA Complaint Management Module - PrestaShop

    RMA Complaint Management Module - PrestaShop